Products 4
Products 4
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4 products listed
ticket voucher «Action»
This voucher in the design «Action» is a value voucher (PDF voucher), which can be purchased with a value between CHF 10 - 3000 and can be printed independently.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: This voucher can only be used in the EVZ Ticketshop as a means of payment for single tickets and season tickets. Any remaining credit can be reused with the same voucher code until it is used up completely. The voucher is valid for three years from date of issue.
ticket voucher «Arena»
This voucher in the design «Arena» is a value voucher (PDF voucher), which can be purchased with a value between CHF 10 - 3000 and can be printed independently.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: This voucher can only be used in the EVZ Ticketshop as a means of payment for single tickets and season tickets. Any remaining credit can be reused with the same voucher code until it is used up completely. The voucher is valid for three years from date of issue.
Ticket voucher - Dine & View «Silver & Gold»
This voucher is a value voucher (PDF voucher) which can be purchased and printed independently with a value between CHF 205 - 820 for Dine & View "Silver" or CHF 220 - 880 for Dine & View "Gold".
The Dine & View "Silver" seats are located in the outer area, the Dine & View "Gold" seats in the central area of the Dine & View terrace.
This voucher can only be used as a means of payment for Dine & View tickets in the EVZ Ticketshop.
A Dine & View Silver voucher can also be redeemed for a Dine & View Gold ticket and vice versa. Any remaining credit remains on the voucher or any difference can be paid in the ticket shop when purchasing tickets. The voucher is valid for three years from the date of issue.
ticket voucher «Happy Birthday»
This voucher in the design «Happy Birthday» is a value voucher (PDF voucher), which can be purchased with a value between CHF 10 - 3000 and can be printed independently.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: This voucher can only be used in the EVZ Ticketshop as a means of payment for single tickets and season tickets. Any remaining credit can be reused with the same voucher code until it is used up completely. The voucher is valid for three years from date of issue.
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